Treasury Management

Flexible solutions for a fast-paced world

Stay in full control of your business finances

Every day, payments flow steadily into and out of your accounts. Success depends in part on your ability to monitor transactions in real time and quickly move funds in the right direction. Our Commercial Banking Anywhere suite of services offers the flexibility to manage your overall finances - including payables and receivables - at any time from any computer. From basic online banking to sophisticated solutions, our cash management tools are designed to grow with your business needs.

  • View current account balances and detailed activity on any account. This includes checking and Money Market accounts, loans, CDs, and credit lines
  • View transaction history and search for transactions by date, amount, or check number
  • View check images online
  • Download transaction history to Quickbooks, Quicken, Microsoft Money, Personal Finance, Excel, and other software systems
  • Pay corporate invoices and other payables via Bill Pay
  • Transfer funds between specified First US Bank accounts
  • Initiate stop payments on checks
  • Originate ACH services to speed collections and payments, enable electronic payroll deposit, and move funds to and from other financial institutions
  • Securely and quickly send domestic outgoing wires
  • Fight fraudulent account activity with check Positive Pay.
  • Mobile Remote Deposit Capture (mRDC) lets the business deposit checks directly from a mobile device or smartphone.

Online Security is Our Priority

At First US Bank, we use the most advanced online security measures to protect your account and transactions against cyber threats.

  • End-User Protection: Our secured browser protects the end-user from malware and other attacks.
  • Website Protection: Our Web Application Security Platform provides protection from sophisticated server side attacks.
  • Authentication Service: Strong multi-factor authentication software ensures proper identification of end-users based on location and company function.
  • Security Controls: Components are put in place to limit activities based on company function.

Additional Features

Check out the other services:

Lockbox: Remittance Processing

Lockbox is a very streamlined process for getting money into the bank in a safe and efficient manner. 

The basics are:

  • Mail is retrieved from the Post Office on a schedule each day
  • A business’ payment are opened, balanced, scanned and deposited to the Bank on the same day
  • All the business’s payment information is available same day via internet images from which receivables can be updated
  • Lockbox usage mitigates the risks in remittance processing and brings efficiency to depositing funds optimal usage by the business.

Smart Safe by Loomis is a premier cash management solution, combining cutting-edge technology with Loomis’ unmatched quality, service and expertise.  This comprehensive ecosystem is designed from the ground up to help cut cash-handling cost, increase efficiency, protect employees and customers, and improve your bottom line- both now and in the future.


Download a PDF guide below. 


Commercial Banking Anywhere First Time Login

Commercial Banking Anywhere Dashboard Overview

Commercial Banking Anywhere ACH Payment

Commercial Banking Anywhere Wire Payment

Commercial Banking Anywhere 

Commercial Banking Anywhere Positive Pay How to Decision 

Commercial Banking Anywhere Positive Pay How to Upload